Penetration Testing mailing list archives

Re: Core Impact

From: Christoph Puppe <puppe () hisolutions com>
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 16:06:21 +0200


I've review the tool for a german magazin ( It's very
impressive. The net-recon funktions are very good, you can edit the
database of all found hosts and fix the mistakes that CI makes. When it
comes to exploiting stuff it's not that impressive. When I tested them a
year ago, they had about 70 remote exploits. As this exploits had a very
narrow targets list, it failed my tests. The exploits are mostly for US
versions, for example the exploit works against RedHat Linux but not
against SuSE Linux.

They tell you that an admin can do the job of a pentester with this tool.
As a person doing pen-tests has thousands of exploits on his/her disposal,
this is just not true. What can be done by an admin, is to have a cool
recon and some fun exploiting stuff. As it does not do a VA, the admin
needs to use a VA-Tool as well. I've read the results of retina can be
imported now, which is a good thing and something I recommended to them in
my article.

If I had the money, I'd buy it, as it helps with pentesting, but use it
together with metasploit, nessus, gcc, gdb and all the other very
specialized tools, exploits and nifty command line tricks. I strongly
believe in the unix tool credo "do a small thing, but do it right".

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Christoph Puppe
Security Consultant

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