Penetration Testing mailing list archives

Re: [PEN-TEST] A little levity...

From: Ryan Permeh <ryan () EEYE COM>
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 15:34:28 -0700

he must be hitting the crack pipe really hard.

From what i can gather from the lack of real hard info on there, and the
attempts to make everything seem all spooky and new, this is simply a client
server scanning package.  you load this client up onto your machine(i guess
you gotta trust that isn't owned, or wanting to do malicisous things
to you).  Then a server hits you with a syn/ack/fin/wakky packet scan.
These are his uberelite "nanoprobes".  they are probably interpreted by the
client side program to do scanning locally.

All in all, envision this:

a server side scanner (retina, iss, NAI, or even nmap)

a client side sniffer(take your pick, iris, tcpdump, whatever)

now put a tunnel between them(probably client side inititated to "bypass Nat
firewall restrictions")  this tunnel will carry information regarding
psecific attack scearios that can be executred by the client or the server.

Basically, you can use one side to test what's between the two by knowing
what should be coming through.(ie: test outgoing firewall rules by sending a
barage of packets out to grc, who is waiting for a response, or vice versa).

neat idea if it works, and as i said, you trust grc to have deep level
access(to run a sniffer or a privledged program) to your system.

(PS, i do not know exactly how this works, this is a guess based on reading
the page and cutting through the bullshit)

eEye Digital Security Team

----- Original Message -----
From: "Deus, Attonbitus" <Thor () HAMMEROFGOD COM>
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2000 3:19 PM
Subject: Re: A little levity...

This guy is either very, very, funny or in desperate need of some

It must be the latter, as he is not kidding.  Mr. Gibson is obviously
thrilled with himself.


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