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Re: [PEN-TEST] First step of a pen-test

From: Robert van der Meulen <rvdm () CISTRON NL>
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2000 16:43:07 +0200


Quoting Tonick, Mike (Mike.Tonick () PS NET):
I may be even more rusty than you...but, wouldn't the following be right?
sed 's/ /\\n/g'
Alas. Doesn't work ;)
I know of no way to specify a substitution like this in a shell script, but
when i need to do something like this i do:

sed 's/ /\<press enter here>

I know it's ugly - but hey, it works ;)


p.s. As sed is the 'stream editor', i don't know if it's even supposed to do
multiline regexp stuff..

|      rvdm () cistron nl - Cistron Internet Services -        |
|          php3/c/perl/html/c++/sed/awk/linux/sql/cgi/security             |
|         My statements are mine, and not necessarily cistron's.           |
        Dance is the vertical expression of a horizontal intention.

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