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Re: best automated way to construct a timeline from websense logs?

From: Guillaume Ross <guillaume () binaryfactory ca>
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 15:47:19 -0400

Graylog2 ( is based on Elasticsearch, scales pretty well and seems to be made for similar use 
It has its own extended log format (GELF - Graylog exenteded log format)  and there are many ways to send data to it. 
It is structured and doesn't have the length limitations that affect syslog.

From a *nix system you should probably be looking at Logstash with the GELF output.
On Windows there's a collector called nxlog ( which also supports the GELF output.
There are many ways to get data into a GELF format from Python, .NET, PHP, Ruby, etc.

And it's open source!

On 2013-06-09, at 4:39 PM, Chris Campbell <chris () ctcampbell com> wrote:

Out of interest, what where the problems you had with splunk? This looks like exactly the kind of problem it was 
designed to solve.

allison nixon wrote:
I got it to work.  I ended up using mysql and some command line shenanigans

For the benefit of everyone who might be faced with 40 gigs of log files, I ended up doing this:

use split -l 5000 * to split every file into a reasonable sized chunk

then used ls -l to get a list of file names in the folder in a nice orderly fashion

then created a sql database and a table called client, and set every column type to the sort of data it would end up 

then write a bash script that was like below. the commands were slightly altered based on the name of every file, so 
the script had about 750 lines in total.  there's probably a more elegant way to do this, with fancy looping and 
variables, but no time for that.

ln -s datetime-websenselog.csvaa client.txt; mysqlimport --fields-terminated-by=, --lines-terminated-by="\r\n" -u 
user --password=password --fields-optionally-enclosed-by="\"" 
 client /root/Desktop/client/tobeanalyzed/Files/raw/splitted/client.txt; rm client.txt;

the symbolic link is necessary because mysqlimport will only put the file into the table of the same name
then i had to tweak it till the warnings went away, because mysqlimport won't tell you the contents of those 
warnings, only that they have been raised.  after some guessing games, I found out some but not all fields were 
enclosed with "

Now i can run sql queries and it's somewhat trivial to find the information i'm after now!

On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 2:07 PM, Champ Clark III <cclark () quadrantsec com <mailto:cclark () quadrantsec com>> wrote:

   Hash: SHA1

   Actually thinking about this liblognorm might be useful. It comes with
   a program call "normalizer".  You'll need to create the rulebase
   files/rules.  That'll be the tricky part.

   If you do create good rulebase/rules, let me know. I'd like to have a
   copy :)

   On 6/9/13 1:16 AM, Johan Peder Møller wrote:
   > Have looked at liblognorm. No personal experience, but remeber
   > having it recomended at some time.
   > rgds Johan
   > On Fri, Jun 7, 2013 at 3:36 AM, allison nixon <elsakoo () gmail com
   <mailto:elsakoo () gmail com>
   > <mailto:elsakoo () gmail com <mailto:elsakoo () gmail com>>> wrote:
   > So I have several gigs of webnonsense logs and I am trying to
   > construct a timeline of malware infection as it spreads from IP to
   > IP.  I already know what the malicious URLs look like so that's
   > not the issue.  I want to be able to build a timeline of activity
   > to describe the first moment a computer was infected and I want to
   > illustrate when the phone home traffic hops from domain to domain.
   > I can sort of do it with some artful use of grep and excel, but
   > it's hard to make that scale to more than a small sample of the
   > logs.  I fed it to a trial copy of Splunk and it exploded while
   > giving me nothing useful.  Are there any tools out there that I can
   > use for this?  I don't want to pay money for it because it's a
   > one-off, but so far nothing can compete with good ol grep
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   - --
   - - Champ Clark III (cclark () quadrantsec com
   <mailto:cclark () quadrantsec com>)
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