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mac vs pc (non-fanboy answers)

From: only.samurai at (Andrew Ellis)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 15:22:41 -0500

I switched from a Windows XP laptop to a Mac Book Pro for work roughly
a year ago and I don't think I'd go back. I realize that sounds rather
fan-boy-esk, but it's really more a function of ease on the job. I
like having the ability to drop down into a terminal and work with the
*nix-y tools I'm used to (despite the BSD environment), but at the
same time I'm easily able to integrate into Windows environments and
run the Microsoft Office suite of tools. The only issue I've had is
stability when connecting to certain VPNs.

For personal use, I don't think I'd fork out the extra cash for a Mac,
but when I'm on a gig and "it just needs to work", I find that OSX
meets that while still providing me the command line I'm used to (for
the most part.)


On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 7:16 AM, Butturini, Russell
<Russell.Butturini at> wrote:
I've been wondering the same thing. ?What is the benefit of OSX vs. buying a PC at a lower cost, blowing it away and 
loading your favorite Linux/BSD distro? I'm not saying that's necessarily the best way, but like Robin I'm curious 
about the advantages of one vs. the other.

-----Original Message-----
From: pauldotcom-bounces at [mailto:pauldotcom-bounces at] On Behalf Of Robin 
Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2010 5:18 PM
To: PaulDotCom Mailing List
Subject: [Pauldotcom] mac vs pc (non-fanboy answers)

I've been looking at getting a new laptop for a while and I'm trying
to compare a PC and a Mac. I know that a lot of security people are
moving to Macs and I'd like to know why. For half the price, or less,
I can get an high spec PC so why are people moving? Is it OSX, is it
availability of tools, hardware quality or what?

I'm particularly looking at the Macbook Pros, probably the 15".

I know this will probably start a fanboy fight but I've got to ask.

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