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PCI & Paper Documents

From: NSweaney at (Nathan Sweaney)
Date: Mon, 28 Dec 2009 18:05:27 -0600

I don't believe the PCI DSS specifically states either way, however I'd
suggest that it doesn't matter for 2 reasons.  

1. PCI compliance isn't a law, it's just a contractual obligation
between the merchant & the payment brand.  And I would guess that the
same contract includes language about the merchant being responsible
and/or liable for the loss of printed card-data as well as
electronically stored data.  It's been so long since I looked at one of
those contracts that I don't remember whether or not that's specifically

2. In the case of a breach, the payment brands aren't the only source of
fines/expenses.  Even if the hard copies aren't covered under PCI or any
other contract, and you're therefore immune from fines from VISA &
friends, you still have to deal with the potential for negative
publicity, customer lawsuits, breach notification, loss of customers,
etc.  The last thing you want is for your business to headline the local
news because some punk kid snapped the master-lock on the storage shed
where you kept thousands of hard-copies of receipts.  

Bottom line is there are still risks associated with storing
hard-copies, but the threat is considerably lessened because it's only
accessible to people with physical access rather than every Tom, Dick, &
Albert on the internet.  Your mitigation should be similarly balanced.
You probably don't need to treat it like KFC's secret fried chicken
recipe, but you shouldn't just ignore it either.

-----Original Message-----
From: pauldotcom-bounces at
[mailto:pauldotcom-bounces at] On Behalf Of Robert
Sent: Monday, December 28, 2009 2:26 PM
To: Pauldotcom at
Subject: [Pauldotcom] PCI & Paper Documents

Hello Everyone,

Do you know if PCI covers credit card numbers printed on paper and the 
protections of those said documents?

For example a customer order form that has been printed out, does this 
need to be under lock and key or is this not covered by PCI and we 
should lock it up for our own protection?


- Robert
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