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iframe injection question

From: christopher.riley at (christopher.riley at
Date: Fri, 5 Jun 2009 15:14:01 +0200

Nothing malicious.... I think you're on the wrong mailinglist ;)

I'd try something like --> document.getElementById(id).innerHTML = "new
content text here..."; Although I'm not sure how this will interact with
the iframe. I'm not a programmer by any stretch of the imagination.

Let me know how it works out. I might give it a try if I get the time and
motivation over the weekend.


pauldotcom-bounces at wrote on 05.06.2009 14:46:12:

Just out of interest, what are you putting into the iframe ? BeEF ?
a malicous PDF etc ???

Nothing malicious to the end user - the system's end users are
development staff, so yeah, they would notice a modal box where there
wasn't one before.

I like the javascript idea - I'm going to see how that works out. If
I'm successful, I'll let you know.

- Chris
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