oss-sec mailing list archives

Re: Debian FEATURE: /home/loser is with permissions 755, default umask 0022

From: Giacomo Catenazzi <cate () debian org>
Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2020 10:59:00 +0200


Sorry, I never told you it is a feature. Please read better, and try to write better mails. if you had doubts, you could ask me, in the same tread.

And if you discover a vulnerability, you should disclose it. This is the standard way.

In any case:

No password should be stored in a world readable file. This is enforced e.g. in ssh. This is a good security advice.

DO NOT PUT WordPress passwords (e.g. for database, or admin password) in world readable file (on multi-user machines). This is in part a user error.

But PHP (as default LAMP) has this problem. I told you possible work-around. So no system administrator should allow untrusted multi-user with default LAMP setting. This is fault of system administrator: he should know the security risk before setting up services. It is his job, and this is very well documented.

Then I told you various methods to improve the security.

But it seems you still do not understand "/home/loser is with permissions 755, default umask 0022". Note: this is also a question on installation. System administrator choose this setting.

Do you want PHP run by root? (required with umask 0000) Or tell me what should be the right setting? The error is simple: do not enable PHP in the simple LAMP way without considering the security implication. (suPHP, proxy, etc. are better ways).

Yes, Debian is not secure by default (if you install various packages), but it has a lot of documentation, to asses the risk, and how to setup things. But at the end, it is the system administrator job to check security implication before to install servers. This is true on most of professional distribution. But look the Debian default of Apache: it is still strict. WordPress installations (and so configuration snippet) are just for single-user machine (and they have extensive documentation about security).

If a official Debian mirror has such problem, it is worrying. OTOH all Debian files are static files (so no passwords), and Debian sign all files: we do not trust mirrors.

If you had some doubt on my answer, you could have reach me, and ask me what you do not understand, or to continue the discussion. Your way to ridicule Debian just ridicule yourself.

And if you want to continue, check my mails: they are long: please write more complete mails: it helps you to order your ideas, and find flaws.


On 07.10.2020 20:00, Georgi Guninski wrote:

/home/loser is with permissions 755, default umask 0022

on multiuser machines this sucks much.

on a multiuser debian mirror we found a lot of data,
including the wordpress password of the admin.

Then in the thread someone with @debian.org email explains
to me it is a feature, not a bug.

In a addition, they suggest to tell them the mirror, lol.

Are debian detached from reality?

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