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RE: build svn nmap on mswin32 under cygwin

From: jah <jah () zadkiel plus com>
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2007 20:28:19 +0000

Oh what fun!

So, as I said before, I was able to build nmap from the svn repository 
using cygwin up until UMIT was replaced with zenmap.  After that, the 
building seemed to go well, nmap seemed fine, but after installing nmap 
(with the resultant installer) zenmap had no fonts and there may well 
have been other things wrong with it, but I didn't discover any.

In order to build on windows, I followed Kris' build guide for windows 
at http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2007/q3/0139.html and had some fun 
getting it working - i'd never done anything like that before - but get 
it working I did.  I was happy to be able to build the latest svn 
revisions and all was well.

To summarise the setup:

Microsoft Visual C++ 2005
Windows Server 2003 SDK
GTK (2.10.11)
Python (2.5.1)
PyGTK (2.10.4) for python 2.5
PyCairo (1.2.6) for python 2.5
PyGObject (2.12.3) for python 2.5
Py2exe (0.6.6) for python 2.5
Psyco (1.5.2) for python 2.5
PIL 1.1.6 for python 2.5

Now according to this post by Patrick Derwael at 
http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2007/q4/0247.html, zenmap fails 
installation (compilation?) without Python 2.4.  I didn't ever get a 
such a failure, but I thought that installing python 2.4 might be a good 
place to start to solve my zenmap fonts issue.
I installed the following alongside that which I already had in place:

Python (2.4.4)
PyGTK (2.10.4) for python 2.4
PyCairo (1.2.6) for python 2.4
Py2exe (0.6.6) for python 2.4
Psyco (1.5.2) for python 2.4
PySQLite (2.4.0) for python 2.4

Still no fonts.

I downloaded the 4.23RC3 .exe and .zip packages and started to compare 
them with the .exe and .zip packages I'd built.
The first thing I noticed, as I said yesterday 
<http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2007/q4/0403.html>, was that neither the 
RC3 .zip or my .zip contains a zenmap folder.

The next thing I noticed was that in the RC3 .exe package, inside 
$_OUTDIR\zenmap\lib\gtk-2.0\2.4.0 are engines, immodules and loaders 
dirs whereas in my .exe package, only the engines dir was present.  The 
$_OUTDIR\zenmap\lib\gtk-2.0\2.10.0 from both packages matched however.

So I decided I'd try installing GTK 2.4.x to see if that made a 
difference, but I would start from scratch and uninstall everything 
except VC++ and the SDK (it seemed like the best thing to do at the 
time).  I really wished I hadn't uninstalled cygwin, because it took me 
ages to reinstall it as it had once been (note: install cygwin defaults, 
but add the development group of packages and the Archive/zip package - 
don't spend hours trying to install everything!)
I reinstalled python 2.5 etc (not 2.4 etc), nsis and GTK 2.10.11 and GTK 

Amazingly, the fonts issue was gone and my $_OUTDIR\zenmap\lib\gtk-2.0 
dir matched the one in the 4.23RC3 package!
So that's progress.  But I'm not there yet because there are still 
several other differences, one of which is that my .exe $_OUTDIR is 
called "$[31]" - this doesn't affect installation.  Also, the RC3 .exe 
has pango 1.4 and 1.5 and my .exe has pango 1.5 and 1.6 dirs.  I've also 
taken a step backwards in that there are more differences today that 
there were yesterday which brings me on to the point of this rather 
long-winded missive:

Is it possible for somebody to list the exact dependency versions that 
are installed on the machine on which the windows RC3 packages were built?


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