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Announce: nmap-3.30+V-2.91 ("Version" Scanning) [Now Fast _&_ Win32]

From: "Jay Freeman \(saurik\)" <saurik () saurik com>
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2003 18:49:22 -0700

*Sigh*... I had already done this porting work about 2 weeks ago, but I
forgot to actually release it as a tarball/zip rather than just have it on
my CVS :).


o Fixed Win32 build. It's a shakey fix, but it definitely works.

o Thanks to Chris Adams (chris(a)improbable.org) it now works on Max OSX.

o Changed up my file format. Note that the documentation is now marginally
  out of date but is still rather useful (not that I think anyone wants to
  learn it). Dropped some stuff from my file format that I realized weren't
  terribly useful (such as the byte recieved limit on '<') and the 'p'
  command (which is still there but works more like a come from than a
  goto... note that this is actually a GOOD thing, hehe). I also merged the
  '*' command into the '<' command with more powerful syntax. Now, every
  time data is going to be sent, you can just add an optional regex argument
  in order to set some back references in the form of $[0-9] in the data.
  Same code is being used for matching now in order to have more
  customization of the detected version strings.

o Updated the CHANGELOG.

FTP Information (for "released" versions):

  Source: ftp://ftp.saurik.com/pub/nmap/nmap-3.30+V-2.91.tgz
  Patch: ftp://ftp.saurik.com/pub/nmap/nmap+V-2.91
  Win32 Binary: ftp://ftp.saurik.com/pub/nmap/nmap-3.30+V-2.91.win32.zip

MD5 Sums:

3202b6da938b27034e179026adfbcaf9  /www/ftp/pub/nmap/nmap-3.30+V-2.91.tgz
f6107d022f4ed0078d9a7a5e54e33439  /www/ftp/pub/nmap/nmap+V-2.91

CVS Information (for current versions):

  Repository: :pserver:anoncvs () cvs saurik com:/cvs/nmap
  Module: nmap
  Password: anoncvs

Example Output (for the curious; and yes, it should line up with a fixed
width font, although it is occasionally wider than 77 characters and wraps):

[root(2)@ironclad nmap-3.30+V-2.91]# ./nmap -sS -sVVV -F localhost

Starting nmap 3.30+V ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) at 2003-08-11 03:44
Interesting ports on localhost.localdomain (
(The 1174 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
Port       State       Service             Protocol     Version
17/tcp     open        qotd                Go Text      GNU Go 3.2
21/tcp     open        ftp                 FTP
22/tcp     open        ssh                 SSH          1.99-OpenSSH_3.4p1
23/tcp     open        telnet              Telnet
25/tcp     open        smtp                SMTP         Sendmail
53/tcp     open        domain              DNS
80/tcp     open        http                HTTP         Apache/2.1.0-dev
  Modules: mod_ssl/2.1.0-dev OpenSSL/0.9.7a DAV/2 mod_jk/1.2.3-dev
SVN/0.26.0+ PHP/4.3.2
110/tcp    open        pop-3               POP3         Cyrus
111/tcp    open        sunrpc              RPC
113/tcp    open        auth                AUTH
119/tcp    open        nntp                NNTP         INN 2.2.2
143/tcp    open        imap2               IMAP         Cyrus
465/tcp    open        smtps               SSL
587/tcp    open        submission          SMTP         Sendmail
783/tcp    open        hp-alarm-mgr        SpamAssassin
953/tcp    open        rndc
993/tcp    open        imaps               SSL
995/tcp    open        pop3s               SSL
2000/tcp   open        callbook            Sieve        Cyrus timsieved
2401/tcp   open        cvspserver          CVS
5432/tcp   open        postgres            PostgreSQL   7.3
8009/tcp   open        ajp13               Ajp13        Apache Tomcat
8080/tcp   open        http-proxy          HTTP         Apache
Tomcat/4.1.18-LE-jdk14 (HTTP/1.1 Connector)

Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 17.651 seconds

Jay Freeman (saurik)
saurik () saurik com

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