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Re: Muni Fiber and Politics

From: Jay Ashworth <jra () baylink com>
Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2014 19:24:03 -0400 (EDT)

----- Original Message -----
From: "William Herrin" <bill () herrin us>

I can think of issues that arise when the municipality provides layer
2 services.

1. Enthusiasm (hence funding) for public works projects waxes and
wanes. Generally it waxes long enough to get some portion of the
original works project built, then it wanes until the project is in
major disrepair, then it waxes again long enough to more or less fix
it up.

Acting as a layer-2 service provider will tend to exacerbate this
effect. Let's all build gig-e to the homes! Great. And in 10 years
when gige is passe there won't be any money for the 10 gig upgrade but
the municipality will still have 20 years to go on the 30 year bond
they floated to pay for the gige deployment. And no money for the
equipment that corrects the IPv6 glitchiness or supports the brand new
LocalVideoProtocol which would allow ultra high def super interactive
television or whatever the rage is 10 year out.

You have forgotten here, Bill (I am feeling charitable, so I will not add
... no, I said I wouldn't add it) "MRC".  Unlike some things for which 
bonds would be floated, this sort of service *would be being charged
to someone, every month*.  

Sure, you won't get 100% take, but we factor that in.

And, the number of times it's been said notwithstanding, I think 
a resaonably defensible case can be made that consumer services are
pretty close to as good as they need to be at this point; for the 
*average* consumer, you're pretty hard pressed to run out of space
on GigE downhill; uphill even moreso.  Sure, there are edge cases,
but we call them that for a reason.

Single mode fiber's usefulness doesn't expire within any funding
horizon applicable to a municipality. Gige service and any other lit
service you can come up with today does.


2. It is in government's nature to expand. New big city service not
arriving fast enough? We'll do it ourselves! Dear county
commissioners, it'll only take a little bit of money (to do it badly),
come on approve it, let's do it. You know you want it.

Was there an argument there?

I can also see how some longer-distance links, imagine a link from
home to office across 30-40 miles, might be cheaper to deliver as
VLAN than raw dark fiber and having to buy long reach optics.

Long-reach optics are relatively cheap, or at least they can be if you
optimize for expense. The better example is when you want ISP #1,
phone company #2, TV service #3, data warehouse service #4, etc. With
a lit service, you only have to buy the last-mile component once.

That sounds like an argument in *favor* of the Muni providing backstop
service at L2, rather than the position against I thought you took.

I can never see a case where letting them play at Layer 3 or above

Layers 2 and 3 are fuzzy these days. I think that's a bad place to
draw a line.

Rather draw the line between providing a local interconnect versus
providing services and out-system communications.

Ah.  Then we *are* singing the same song, or most of it.

With a multi-service provider network there are, IMO, major advantages
to implementing it with private-IP IPv4 instead of a layer 2 solution.
No complicated vlans, PPoE or gpon channels. Just normal IP routing
and normal access control filters available in even the cheap
equipment. Then run your various virtual wire technologies (e.g. VPNs)
over the IP network. Everybody is a peer on the network, so the
infrastructure provider doesn't need to know anything about
customer-service provider relationships and doesn't need to implement
any special configurations in their network to serve them.

Hmmm.  This isn't the view I'd been getting from you on this, I don't 

-- jra
Jay R. Ashworth                  Baylink                       jra () baylink com
Designer                     The Things I Think                       RFC 2100
Ashworth & Associates          2000 Land Rover DII
St Petersburg FL USA      BCP38: Ask For It By Name!           +1 727 647 1274

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