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Re: William was raided for running a Tor exit node. Please help if you can.

From: Jason Baugher <jason () thebaughers com>
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2012 16:54:14 -0600

I can't help but wonder who would send money to same random person based on
a story that may or may not be true. Were these people sucked in by Nigeria
scams as well?

Not only that, but the list of people who proclaimed their innocence only
to be proven guilty is very long. I can't vouch for countries outside of
the USA, but here at least we don't get subpoenas on a whim. They are
usually part of a very long drawn-out investigation, and they usually are
for a very good reason.


On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 4:37 PM, Naslund, Steve <SNaslund () medline com>wrote:

OK, I get it.  I think my BS detector is set to high today.  I am just
really suspicious that this guy that runs an large ISP can't at least
wait until there are charges before all the uproar.  I think if the cops
came and seized my home PCs right now I would probably give them the
time to look at them, realize there is nothing there, and give them back
to me before freaking out completely.  I would be wondering what was
going on but probably not raising a defense fund.


-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Kristolaitis [mailto:alter3d () alter3d ca]
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 4:21 PM
To: nanog () nanog org
Subject: Re: William was raided for running a Tor exit node. Please help
if you can.

I didn't say anything about trying to run away.  That probably won't
accomplish a whole lot in the long run.   But when all of your bank
accounts and credit cards are frozen, and your house is a crime scene,
at least you have the means to rent a hotel room, contact
family/lawyers, etc.

And no, I'm not OK with people keeping any money that was donated for a
specific purpose in excess of what was actually used.  You'd hope that
he'd be a good guy about it and give back the portion that wasn't used,
or clearly state that any excess will go to charity or something.
However, there's no such guarantee (short of doing it through a trust
fund with his lawyer), and just like any philanthropic venture, it's up
to each donor choose when/if they'll help out.   It's just like
Kickstarter -- you hope to get something good out of it, but if it
bombs, well... you pay your money and you take your chances.

- Pete

On 11/30/2012 05:02 PM, Naslund, Steve wrote:
OK, there must be a lot more paranoid people out there than I thought
there were.  I personally don't have a "runaway kit" stashed away.  I
will get right on that. So when that "mouth breather cop" won't
believe you are innocent, your answer is to grab your stuff and go on
the lamb for awhile?  I am sure he will let you out to go to the bank,

get your stuff, and leave town.  I think you have seen way to many

So if the cops show up at his door tomorrow and say "Here's all your
stuff back, there was no evidence of a crime.", you are OK with this
guys keeping the "defense fund"?


-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Kristolaitis [mailto:alter3d () alter3d ca]
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 3:53 PM
To: nanog () nanog org
Subject: Re: William was raided for running a Tor exit node. Please
help if you can.

On 11/30/2012 04:01 PM, Naslund, Steve wrote:
    I am a little concerned that this guy keeps a safe deposit box
with a burner phone and cash around.  Is he a CIA agent? :)
Anyone who DOESN'T have such things stashed away somewhere is, IMHO,
incredibly naive and taking on quite a large amount of risk.

The likelihood (and hope) is that you'll never need it.  But on the
off chance that you get f***ed by the legal system because of some
power hungry, mouth-breather cop who can't/won't understand that
you've done nothing wrong -- or worse, that you're easily provably
within the law, but he "believes" that you're not and drags you
through the process anyways -- you'll be very happy that you stashed
away that old unlocked cell phone, old laptop, change of clothes and

I'm a (legal) firearms owner... up here in Canada, where some previous

governments enacted extreme anti-gun legislation, that pretty much
means that if I so much as sneeze in a way that a cop doesn't like, I
can have my life ruined pretty damned fast (not quite, but really
close).  I wouldn't bet against me having an
excrement-hitting-the-oscillator stash like this guy does.  ;)

(Note:  I don't mean to imply that all cops are power hungry
mouth-breathers intent on destroying the lives of citizens.   Most
are fundamentally good people and do a great job.  But like every
other profession, there ARE bad cops out there, and it's within the
realm of possibility that you'll deal with one of them one day.)

Why would I donate to his legal defense when he has not been charged
yet?  A little premature, no?

If you think that legal costs in a criminal case only start when
been formally charged, you're grossly misinformed.   At what point you
personally decide to donate is one thing, but implying that someone
doesn't need a defense fund prior to charges being laid is a bit naive

about how the process works.

- Pete

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