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Re: 100% want IPv6 - Was: New Linksys CPE, IPv6 ?

From: Patrick Giagnocavo <patrick () zill net>
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 23:52:17 -0400

Dan White wrote:

Are you willing to gamble your business on your expectations? Business
models will develop that will take advantage of global addressing to end
devices. The Next Big (Nth) Thing will. Do you feel that you have a
Crystal Ball, or do you want to start hedging your bets now?

^^ Doubt.

We have just (anecdotally, empirically) established earlier in this
thread, that anything smaller than a mid-sized business, can't even
*GET* IPv6 easily (at least in the USA); much less care about it.

Talking about a "crystal ball", in my view, is just a lot of hand-waving
that means "I don't have a real-world example to point to".

Talking about "the Next Big Thing" means that somehow, the NBT will be
present without any residential or small business broadband users
partaking in it.  Sounds like a pretty small piece of the pie for the NBT...

For the record, I have no dog in this fight; I just think that the
rhetoric / fanboi-ism / advocacy level is just a little too high -
emotion rather than reason is taking over in the course of debate, which
for me at least, is unwelcome.



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