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RE: Overcoming IPv6 Security Threat

From: "Jeroen Massar" <jeroen () unfix org>
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2002 17:00:20 +0200

Joe Baptista wrote:

Thanks to everyone who helped out.
But you didn't actually read now did you?
Oh well you are a reporter nobody can blame you for doing work ;)
But to pull some things straight:

" IPv6, a suite of protocols for the network layer,
 uses IPv4 gateways to interconnect IPv6 nodes and comes
 prepackaged with some popular operating systems. "

Cool, so *NATIVE* IPv6 doesn't exist?
Many transitional techniques use intermediate IPv4 hops to
connect IPv6 islands, that doesn't mean everything uses it.

"IPv6 has suffered bad press over privacy issues.
 Jim Fleming, the inventor of IPv8, a competing protocol,
 sees many hazards and privacy flaws in existing IPv6 implementations."

Competing? There is <yell>no such thing as Jim Flemings IPv8</yell>
There is IPv8* but that is PIP (The P Internet Protocol) which is
*NOT* the thing Mr. Fla^Heming is spamming about all the time.
* =
Maybe Mr. Fleming could write up a draft of his 'standard' sometime?
I could start shouting that you are bad and that Man.v2 is much better
now does that help anywhere?

And one can easily change his/her local EUI so where's the problem
One also mostly comes from the same /48 so where is the problem.

"Another obstacle raised by NANOG operators is that there is currently
no commercial demand for IPv6 at this time."

Which is true in the .US and mostly true in europe, but in Asia there
is demand and IPv6 is happening. And that America is lagging behind ah
well ;)

Next time when you ask things, use them in your articles...


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