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Re: Lawsuit threat against RBL users

From: Chris Williams <psion () geekspace com>
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 22:37:39 -0500

OK, given, this guy is a flaming moron, and the original message was
completely out of line. HOWEVER, it seems to me he raises at least one
valid objection. It seems to me, both from his allegations and from the
phraseology of the "Best Practices for Being Permanently Added to the
RBL", that web hosting services are being treated unfairly in the
following circumstance:

Company S(pam) has a web site, hosted on the servers of
web-presence-provider Company P(rovider). Company S uses the services of
Company X to send out massive loads of SPAM, with referencing the web
site and even e-mail addresses hosted by Company H. Now, if I'm hearing
what's being said on this list correctly, Company H is being expected to
pull the website they host for Company S (or else be blackholed), _even
though no illegal or spam-generating activity is being generated on
their network_.
Am I understanding this correctly?!?
By this philosophy, it would seem that if I were to host the web pages
of a company which engaged in unwelcome telemarketing (which I
personally find much more offensive than SPAM, and which is no more or
less illegal in most states), I would be under an obligation to cease
providing service to that company!

So, given the earlier threads about annoying UUNET marketing folks,
let's blackhole all mail that comes from UUNET. Oh, and also mail that
comes from anyone who peers with them. And of course any mail that has
to be transported over those evil people's networks.....wait a sec,
why's my inbox suddenly empty, where'd the internet go???

Maybe I'm misinterpeting the policies here, but I didn't hear anyone
disputing the actual complaints of this guy, which can only lead me to
believe that either A) This guy was actually treated unfairly, and has a
valid complaint, or B) Nobody cares enough to say "hey, wait a minute,
there's been a failure in communication, let's see if we can work this

So, what's up, guys? I'd hate to think a great thing like the RBL is
being abused to squash people who we just happen to find annoying.

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