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Re: Meterpreter Reverse HTTP(s) Payloads after last update

From: Sherif El-Deeb <archeldeeb () gmail com>
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2011 18:53:07 +0300

Sorry, I meant "metsvc"-like reverse_https that is not staged.

On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 6:18 PM, Sherif El-Deeb <archeldeeb () gmail com> wrote:

It would be great having a single metsrv-like reverse_https for those
tricky situations.
On Oct 5, 2011 5:35 PM, "Enis Sahin" <enis.c.sahin () gmail com> wrote:
Well, not many seem to be interested in the subject but I'd like to make
final request/recommendation on the issue of reverse HTTP(s) payloads.

Staged payloads are used to evade AV detection but in HTTP tunneled
scenarios where a Web Gateway with AV capabilities exits using staged
payloads make us go through two layers of AV (one in local, one in web
gateway). Plus SSL inspection is used in some infrastructures thus
HTTPS connections to download the second stage doesn't improve the

If HD is following these posts I'd like to request a sinlge stage reverse
HTTP(s) payload to be considered for the future versions. It is easier to
use different encodings and packers for local AV evasion and test against
local agents. Finding a combination of a delivery method which bypasses
local AV and a second stage which bypasses web gateway AV detection is
significantly harder. It seems like it would make more sense to battle on
one front and use a single stage in such scenarios.


On 4 October 2011 13:15, Enis Sahin <enis.c.sahin () gmail com> wrote:

An update on my inquiries for the BUG#4928 (Reverse HTTP(s) payload
connection problems upon sessions establishment).

The second stage may be getting blocked by the web gateway/proxy. For
who are facing the same connection issues, check out the packet capture
carefully from the client machine. We've first noticed that second stage
getting blocked due to user policy on downloading executables, after the
policy was set accordingly we saw that proxy was sending 403 forbidden
to malicious software/virus while trying to receive the second stage of

Reminds me.. Try harder :D


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