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Search exploits for a particular port number

From: srg <srgqwerty () gmail com>
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2011 20:22:44 +0200


Recently I upgraded MSF.
Now I am running  Framework: 4.0.1-dev.13502 Console  : 4.0.1-dev.13581

Does anybody know if in 4.0.1 there are changes in the msfconsole SEARCH command?
I think that in previous versions I was able to use the SEARCH command to find exploits that are applicable to a 
particular port number, or look for exploit ranks "i.e. EXCELLENT, GOOD, NORMALand so on".

Now, apparently, it is not possible to make those kind of searches:
msf > help search
Usage: search [keywords]

  name      :  Modules with a matching descriptive name
  path      :  Modules with a matching path or reference name
  platform  :  Modules affecting this platform
  type      :  Modules of a specific type (exploit, auxiliary, or post)
  app       :  Modules that are client or server attacks
  author    :  Modules written by this author
  cve       :  Modules with a matching CVE ID
  bid       :  Modules with a matching Bugtraq ID
  osvdb     :  Modules with a matching OSVDB ID

In the other hand… does anybody knows if there is a msfconsole command to have an exploit list that includes for each 
exploit the creation date?

Thanks a lot and best regards

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