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Re: meterpreter: incognito: add_group_user --> invalid UTF-8 character

From: Jerome Athias <jerome () netpeas com>
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2010 16:48:53 +0000


something was here
I think that "Administratoren" is not enough?
I should be able to help you off-list but "in a near future"


Le 08/12/2010 03:21, Sherif El-Deeb a écrit :
Since you already have access and want only to add your user to the
group, after impersonation, drop to a command prompt "execute -f
cmd.exe -H -c -i -t", then piping "DSQUERY" to "DSMOD" from the
command prompt will help you avoid typing the problematic charachter
in the console while doing the trick.

another solution would be doing some command line kung-fu
_on_the_remote_machine_ , after impersonation, to  get the
"Domänen-Admins" inside a .txt file or a variable "%domadmin%", then
use this information _on_the_remote_machine_ to do whatever you want.

Sherif Eldeeb

On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 12:15 AM, Joerg Trommer <joerg.trommer () freenet de> wrote:


I have a problem using the incognito add_group_user command.
I habe a meterpreter session on a windows system, successfully run impersonate_token XXX\\Administrator, I also 
successfully added the user "hacker" on the DC. As next step I wanted to add this to the Domain Admins group on the 
DC. Since the DC is a German windows system the Domain Admin group is called "Domänen-Admins".

When I try to execute add_group_user "Domänen-Admins" hacker -h xx.xx.xx.xx I get an error message (malformed UTF-8 
character) when entering the "ä" character.

Can anyone help on this issue ?

Thank you.

Joerg Trommer
mailto:joerg.trommer () freenet de


Bien cordialement,

Jérôme Athias

VP Software Engineering
NETpeas Casablanca

GSM Maroc: +212 (0)6 65 34 64 54
"The computer security is an art form. It's the ultimate martial art."

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