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Re: passing LHOST IP on command line

From: Carlos Perez <carlos_perez () darkoperator com>
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2010 12:43:27 -0400

Do check this page out

On Nov 10, 2010, at 12:40 PM, Kevin Shaw wrote:

This is good stuff; scripting instead of building more payloads to get around limitations. Other than command line 
kung fu blog do any of you guys have more recommended reading for bash and Windows command line/script tricks like 

On Nov 10, 2010 11:14 AM, "Robin Wood" <robin () digininja org> wrote:
On 10 November 2010 16:03, Jonathan Cran <jcran () 0x0e org> wrote:
On 11/10/2010 04:41 AM, Robin Wood wrote:

Is it possible to build a reverse meterpreter exe that will take its
LHOST as a command line argument rather than being hard coded?

If you already have a session on the box, it sounds like a good candidate
for Carlos's new multi_meterpreter_inject. Usage:

meterpreter > run multi_meter_inject -h
Meterpreter Script for injecting a reverce tcp Meterpreter Payload
in to memory of multiple PID's, if none is provided a notepad process.
will be created and a Meterpreter Payload will be injected in to each.


-h Help menu.
-m Start Exploit multi/hadler for return connection
-mp <opt> Provide Multiple PID for connections separated by comma one
per IP.
-mr <opt> Provide Multiple IP Addresses for Connections separated by
-p <opt> The port on the remote host where Metasploit is listening
(default: 4444)
-pt <opt> Specify Reverse Connection Meterpreter Payload. Default

Hope it helps!

I don't have a session, I couldn't get the psexec payload to work
through metasploit but the windows command line one worked just all I
had was a cmd.exe shell. The metasploit psexec not working will
probably be the next question but got to test that in my lab first.



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