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query on exploit/windows/browser/apple_quicktime_rtsp

From: nkanaskar at (Nitin Kanaskar)
Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2009 08:21:32 -0600

Thanks a lot to Aczire helped me
understand some basics.

Thanks to Patrick and webDEVIL also for
your inputs. 

I am trying to connect from my xp
browser using URI -
It says 'page cannot be displayed'.
I also tried - is my BT3 virtual machine(VM) IP.
Network connection is NAT for the VM sharing 
IP with the host xp.  
I dont see anything happening on the MSF console 
after 'Server started' msg.
Any idea what I am doing wrong? or
anything i can do to debug?


From: aczire at
To: nkanaskar at
Subject: RE: [framework] query on exploit/windows/browser/apple_quicktime_rtsp
Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2009 19:04:37 +0530

Hello Nitin,


It seems you are new to client side
exploitation, but don?t feel bad, I too


What exactly is gng on is,


You have one BT3 image or machine up and
running with Metasploit Job for Apple Quick time. What Metasploit did is, Just
strted one Web server on your BT3 with port 4444, 


See this? 


[*] Using URL

[*] Server started.


And the exploit url is ?CFRhDQoemBCJ?


What happens now is when a victim connects
to the above url, metasploit sends out the malformed quicktime streaming
packets which causes a buffer overflow in the browser, be it IE, FF or Safari,
the shell code is executed in the context of browser owner, tahtz victim user. If
the user has Administrative privillage then the shell code could do any thing.


Thatz why itz instructd, not to browse the
web, especially porn and crack sites, as administrator or from an account with
administrative privlge.


Hope you are bit more clear now,

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