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query on exploit/windows/browser/apple_quicktime_rtsp

From: nkanaskar at (Nitin Kanaskar)
Date: Sun, 8 Feb 2009 20:57:01 -0600

hello list

I have apple quicktime player 7.1.3 installed on my xp box.
and BT3 with metasploit running on the same as a vmware virtual machine.
I am trying to run  exploit/windows/browser/apple_quicktime_rtsp
My options for this exploit are 


PAYLOAD= generic/shell_bind_tcp

when i run the exploit, i get msg -

[*] Using URL
[*] Server started.

I see a job with the name windows/browser/apple_quicktime_rtsp
in the Jobs tab of msfgui, nothing in sessions tab.
I am not able to understand if the exploit ran/failed.

Do i need to run quick time from inside my browser on xp?

Any help will be highly appreciated.

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