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another payload execution failure

From: security at (Thomas Werth)
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2008 08:58:37 +0200

thx for the information.
Anyway payload terminates program and doesn't write test2 to c:\test.txt.

mmiller at schrieb:
On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 07:41:30AM +0200, Thomas Werth wrote:
Yes that's the way i typed it in.
This is then shown as
CMD       echo test2 > c:\test.txt
when using show options.

msfconsole acts like a normal command shell.  If you want the quotes to
be included in the string, you need to escape them:

msf exploit(aggressive) > set CMD \"echo test2 > c:\\test.txt\"
CMD => "echo test2 > c:\test.txt"

  Name                    Value
  ----                    -----
  CMD                     "echo test2 > c:\test.txt"

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