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Internet Explorer createTextRange() Code Execution

From: eresemeth at (Rory Garton Smith)
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2007 19:34:08 +0800

Thankyou for all responding so fast. I did what you said, however it didn't
quite work.

My friend and I were trying to exploit his computer this time, using the
same as before (windows/browser/ms06_013_createtextrange) with the payload
as (generic/shell_reverse_tcp), my local ip is, his router IP is
(for the sake of conversation)

I set up the exploit so that
SRVPORT - 49160 (A port I have forwarded from my router to my computer which
is obviously)
LHOST - (His IP)
LPORT - 5000 (A port he has forwarded from his router)

This exploit ran in the console and came out with the same as last time
[*] Started reverse handler
[*] Using URL:
[*] Server started.
[*] Exploit running as background job.

msf exploit(ms06_013_createtextrange) >

Upon this, I did as was suggested previously, and sent him the URL and then opened it myself in internet
explorer, as did he. However, all that came up was a series of numbers
moving upwards towards 100. He has no firewalls on and neither do I. He was
using internet explorer 6 which is the target I was using as well.

I'm sure there is some critical error I made..perhaps confusing server and
host or similar? Any assistance would be wildly appreciated,
Thankyou So much, sorry to trouble

On 4/4/07, Donnie Werner <morning_wood at> wrote:

All of the browser exploits work the same way -- you run the exploit,
exploit creates a listening web server and a URL handler. To get code
execution, you need to send vulnerable clients to your web server. How
you do this depends on the situation, but the easiest way is to just
email or instant message the link to the victims.

I have had very good success with client side exploits in Metasploit.
My best results come from launching the exploit, create a local html
file pointing to the exploit server. Open file via browser, right click
link and save as. What you have now is a standalone html file
with all the code in it. Simply host this file or imbed as an IFRAME,
send your targets to your hosted file. enjoy!

This has worked nearly flawlessly, and there is no need to keep your
MSF open, running, or listening.

Donnie ( M.W ) Werner

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