Metasploit mailing list archives

MoAxB in the MSF world: target OS detection with JavaScript

From: jerome.athias at (Jerome Athias)
Date: Mon, 21 May 2007 09:17:19 +0200

Sure, you should have to choose the good offset for each target to align 
your exploit.
Attached is an example of how to do it (change the myoffset values as 
and use the GiveMeRET() JavaScript function.
(Note that the returned value is now unescaped ;-))


Kurt Grutzmacher wrote :
In some of my activex exploit code I've built a 2K
and XP encoded buffer and used this:

   "var #{version}=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();\n" +
   "if (#{version}.indexOf(\"windows nt 5.0\")!=-1) {\n"+
   "    #{strname} = unescape(\"#{encw2buf}\");\n"+
   "} else {\n"+
   " #{strname} = unescape(\"#{encxpbuf}\");\n"+
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