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MoAxB in the MSF world: target OS detection with JavaScript

From: grutz at (Kurt Grutzmacher)
Date: Fri, 18 May 2007 10:38:21 -0500

On Fri, May 18, 2007 at 02:11:33PM +0200, Jerome Athias wrote:
giveMeRET() function in an exploit, it will retrieve the Windows version 
and locale of the target and return a good ret address.

That's awesome. Adding other locales and OS variations would continue to
keep exploits usable! In some of my activex exploit code I've built a 2K
and XP encoded buffer and used this:

   "var #{version}=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();\n" +
   "if (#{version}.indexOf(\"windows nt 5.0\")!=-1) {\n"+
   "    #{strname} = unescape(\"#{encw2buf}\");\n"+
   "} else {\n"+
   " #{strname} = unescape(\"#{encxpbuf}\");\n"+

Which worked but is kind of a kludge.

To obfuscate the exploit code, people should use both the rand_text_alpha() 
and obfuscate_js() functions. [Ref4]

...and sometimes an SEH isn't just an SEH!

                 ..:[ grutz at jingojango dot net ]:..
     GPG fingerprint: 5FD6 A27D 63DB 3319 140F  B3FB EC95 2A03 8CB3 ECB4
        "There's just no amusing way to say, 'I have a CISSP'."
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