Metasploit mailing list archives

Metasploit vs ANI

From: mmiller at (mmiller at
Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2007 10:56:33 -0700

It's expected that you'll see bogus characters in the browser.  Is there
any chance that you could try attaching a debugger to the process to see
where it's crashing?  That would provide additional insight into what's
going on.

AFAIK the patch for this issue is out now, so be sure that the machine
you're testing against didn't apply the patch last night.

On Tue, Apr 03, 2007 at 11:54:52AM +0200, Thomas Werth wrote:
I'm using bt2 final and can confirm bogus chars in IE 6/7 on win xp .

Giorgio Casali schrieb:
I'm using Backtrack installed on my HD and as payload
windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp, but still no luck...
Explorer 7 and firefox are showing ASCII chars when directed to my
crafted page.


2007/4/2, H D Moore <hdm at>:
Aviv Raff confirmed this patch, merged into dev/stable. Running these
exploits *from* Windows seems to be buggy still, but using something like
BackTrack 2.0 or a non-Linux system to run the exploits seems fine.


On Monday 02 April 2007 15:40, mmiller at wrote:
Thanks for the report, Nicolas.  I think you're right (although it's
pretty weird that this worked in my test environment).

I'm not in a place to test this, but can you try this patch out and see
if it fixes the problem for you:

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