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Metasploit vs ANI

From: giorgio.casali at (Giorgio Casali)
Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2007 09:43:06 +0000

I'm using Backtrack installed on my HD and as payload
windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp, but still no luck...
Explorer 7 and firefox are showing ASCII chars when directed to my crafted page.


2007/4/2, H D Moore <hdm at>:
Aviv Raff confirmed this patch, merged into dev/stable. Running these
exploits *from* Windows seems to be buggy still, but using something like
BackTrack 2.0 or a non-Linux system to run the exploits seems fine.


On Monday 02 April 2007 15:40, mmiller at wrote:
Thanks for the report, Nicolas.  I think you're right (although it's
pretty weird that this worked in my test environment).

I'm not in a place to test this, but can you try this patch out and see
if it fixes the problem for you:

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