Metasploit mailing list archives

MSFConsole - listing modules

From: skoda306 at (daniel)
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2007 07:50:34 -0700 (PDT)

Sorry I made a silly mistake in the last file I uploaded, I should read/write code while I am awake.
Ok I am uploading this new one, should have 0 probl
Like I said before

You can download and

msf > show Snort


   Name                       Description                                         
   ----                       -----------                                         
   linux/ids/snortbopre       Snort Back Orifice Pre-Preprocessor Remote Exploit  

I think with the ammount of Exploits/payloads availible, this actually solves the problem, I mean really the longest 
list is show windows, and even then is not that long.
Hope it helps.

PD: Been reading the core code, preatty nice how you abstracted everything, and the whole module msf for mixin was a 
great idea :) kudos for the developers.
----- Original Message ----
From: Spurgeon <spurgeonbj at>
To: framework at
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2007 11:18:49 PM
Subject: Re: [framework] MSFConsole - listing modules

Hi List.

Thank you for your responses. I had tried out msfgui yesterday and it's simply 

Regarding the searching of exploits in console mode, If I remember correctly, 
on 2.x branch (on unices), it is possible to use grep to search

show exploits | grep -i dcom 

Is a similar approach possible with 3.x?


On Tuesday 24 April 2007 19:16, Spurgeon wrote:
Hi List,

As an user preferring to use msfconsole, I find the list of exploits
getting longer and longer and longer (191 exploits and growing..., which is
actually a good thing! :-) )

To cut a long listing short, is there any way where we can have SQL sort of
listing like

show exploits like '%browser%'
show exploits like 'windows*'
or some similar way to query / filter exploits?


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