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From: fab at (Farbrice MOURRON)
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2007 17:08:58 +0200 (CEST)


msfgui is currently under development.
In fact, you can effectivly display all modules, but you can run Payloads
and launch exploits too ;-)

With meterpreter payload, I've encountered some limitation (implement IRB
to Gtk interface is painful). All payloads like generic, bind, reverse or
vncinject works fine.

When I'll finished the opcodes interface, the next steps will focused on :
- Meterpreter commands
- Databases stuff (autopwn)

I wish to run msfgui under BackTrack2 to make a video. If someone have
some skills with slax, please contact me offline.



Can you do anything with msfgui at this point, other than display the
information on exploits and modules and such, or is still being fleshed
out and not yet ready to actually use?

Joe Barr

Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by
the president or any other public official...

~Theodore Roosevelt

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