Metasploit mailing list archives

Re: Metasploit on Windows

From: eresemeth at (Rory Garton Smith)
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2007 19:12:33 +0900

Hey, I've been using the framework for some time on windows and on my ubuntu
partition. I've found the windows one to be a lot limited, and strangely
enough, certain exploits work better against people from linux rather than
windows. I say keep it multi-OS available, if you decrease its availability,
less people will be able to use it, and ultimately in the end the amount of
users using a fantastic tool like this is what's going to make it have the
edge over similar products. I don't think this is really about getting more
people to use linux and such, it's about the framework's future. And on the
topic of script kiddies and there general tendency towards the more commonly
used windows, most of the ones I've met don't know how to use metasploit
nonetheless, and find the concept of the difference between payloads and
targets nothing short of ridiculously hard to grasp.

But hey, that's just my view, still, great tool, keep it up!


On 1/18/07, netevil <netevil at> wrote:

Another vote for the Framework only on *nix!

Have a nice day


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