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From: npouvesle at (Nicolas Pouvesle)
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2007 10:04:54 +0100

On Feb 28, 2007, at 5:48 AM, Alexander Sotirov wrote:

In MS04-031 Microsoft says:

"After the NetDDE services are started, any anonymous user who  
could deliver a
specially crafted message to the affected system could attempt to  
exploit this vulnerability"

This seems to imply that no authentication is necessary, but the  
exploit doesn't
work with an anonymous connection. When I run ms04_031_netdde I get:

Exploit failed: The server responded with error: STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED

If I set SMBUSER and SMBPASS, the exploit works, but these two  
options are not
listed in the exploit info message. Are they really needed, or is  
something I am missing?

Actually, I just think the exploit may only target one of the flaw  
fixed in ms04-031 (I didn't even know a flaw in the RPC interface was  
fixed prior to looking at the exploit code).
 From what I remember a stack overflow can be exploited anonymously  
on the TCP port 139 using the NDDE protocol (a netbios session must  
be negotiated first).


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