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Extending Metaploit 3.0 to Vulnerability Scanning

From: mmiller at (mmiller at
Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2005 10:23:36 -0500

On Tue, Oct 11, 2005 at 09:37:52AM -0500, Chris Byrd wrote:
I'd like to throw in my two bits on this.  I suggest that the
correlation engine be released under the same license as the rest of
the Metasploit framework.  My fear is that restricting release of the
correlation engine will discourage people from extending the
framework.  Its easy to think of lots of good modules (like
scanrand/nmap host and port scanning, p0f/nmap fingerprinting) that
would be easy to write under the new architecture.

I'm afraid that keeping it closed will not prevent the "bad guys" from
getting it.  They have no problem with running commerical pen-test
tools from warez sites.

How about requring root perms for MSF to run (maybe by using raw
sockets or binding to a low port number for the correlation engine)? 
On the extreme side what about requring a CA-signed cert for
interprocess communication?  A true hacker could write around this in
the source, but it might cut out some of the script-kiddies.

All good points.  These are some of the same concerns others have voiced
about trying to proceed with some sort of request-only release of the
correlation engine.  At this point I think we are leaning more toward
releasing full support for the correlation and event-driven aspects of
the framework.  However, we are thinking that we will not release any
samples that illustrate how to tie network and host disocvery events to
the automatic launching of exploits.  While support will exist for this
type of feature, we may intentionally make it non-obvious so that the
level of knowledge required to implement it successfully will be higher
than your average dotslashhacker.  Granted, it's probably only a matter
of time until this information is leaked once again, but there's
something to be said about raising the bar (in my opinion).  We've not
yet come to a conclusion on this yet though, so feedback from the
community would be good.

Also, I think we will try to release some information about 3.0
publicly, such as proposed API design and new features.  More on that

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