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Extending Metaploit 3.0 to Vulnerability Scanning

From: mike.bailey at (Mike Bailey)
Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2005 14:15:53 -0400

Neat..   That's starting to sound like a Nagios-like tool only for
vulnerability assessment.  Might as well write some path deployer modules
too. It would be pretty to later be able use the recon results to build a 3D
"vuln space" image of the network.


-----Original Message-----
From: mmiller at [mailto:mmiller at] 
Sent: Friday, October 07, 2005 11:26 AM
To: Chuck
Cc: framework at
Subject: Re: [framework] Extending Metaploit 3.0 to 
Vulnerability Scanning

Hi Chuck,

On Fri, Oct 07, 2005 at 11:02:38AM -0400, Chuck wrote:
Hello all,

   What I have been thinking about, though, is the feasibility of 
creating a new vulnerability scanner in Ruby that would be 
kind of an 
extension of Metasploit 3.0 (it would use the same 
exploits, primarily 
the check functions).  I think that using an established 
and modular 
language makes a lot of sense for the "plugins" rather than Nessus'
custom language (NASL).


   My question for the list (primarily HD and the other developers 
that are working on version 3.0) is basically, how hard it 
would be to 
create such an animal?  It sounds relatively easy to me to 
build the 
engine and then you need the modules.  The good thing is 
that I think 
the community has already shown support by writing modules for 
Metasploit (in part because they are "more fun" than simply 
vulnerability checks).  Unfortunately, I probably will not 
have much 
time to contribute to the project (long story), but I 
wanted to throw 
the idea out there and see if was feasible and if anyone 
would pick up 
the ball and run with it.

We've been planning on implementing a feature like this in 
3.0, though perhaps not to the extent that you describe.  In 
3.0 we are adding a new type of module called 'recon' 
modules.  These modules could range from simple portscanners 
to true vulnerability scanners.  As information is collected 
from the recon modules, the framework will provide a 
subsystem for correlation and categorization of information 
such that events can be automatically performed when things 
occur.  For instance, the dcom exploit could be automatically 
launched when a recon module determines that port 135 is open 
on a host.  That's just a very simple example.  It could be 
improved by requiring more information about a host to be 
determined before launching an exploit.  For instance, 
another recon module could fire once port 135 is detected to 
be open in order to attempt to determine the remote operating 
system version (through arbitrary means).  Once that 
information is collected, it would be passed back to the 
framework correlation engine which would in turn fire off any 
events (such as an exploit) that now had enough criteria met 
in order to be launched.

Furthermore, we plan on implementing it in such a fashion 
that the correlation engine state can be dumped to a database 
and resumed at a later date.  This will allow you to take 
"views" of a network, when doing a pentest for instance, and 
later pick up where you left off such that you don't have to 
do recon again, although things may have changed between the 
last recon cycle and the current setting.  It will also allow 
for easy report generation, as exploits will also feedback 
information to the framework correlation engine that a host 
has been compromised (so that recon modules can pivot through 
the host and the cycle can begin anew).  This isn't 
particularly revolutionary or anything, but it should be quite useful.

While we do plan to release the recon module system publicly, 
we have not yet decided if we are willing to release the 
correlation engine publicly due to there being a large 
potential for abuse.  Instead, we might consider releasing 
such a feature on a request-only basis (which we would either 
approve or not).  Again though, nothing firm yet, but that's 
just kind of my personal stance on this.  We are still 
discussing it internally.

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