Metasploit mailing list archives

msfupdate failure

From: dkp at (David Kane-Parry)
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 10:26:42 -0400

From a clean install of framework-2.2.tar.gz ...

$ ./msfupdate -u
[*] WARNING: You have made modifications to the following components of
the Framework:


Would you like to preserve these changes? If you say no, all local
modifications will be overwritten by the updates.

Preserve modifications (yes or no) > no
[*] Update Task Summary

        Update ./lib/Msf/PayloadComponent/
        Update ./src/shellcode/win32/dllinject/vncinject/vncdll/winvnc/VNC
        Update ./exploits/
        Update ./exploits/
        Update ./lib/Pex/Socket/
        Update ./lib/Msf/Socket/
        Update ./exploits/
        Update ./exploits/

Continue? (yes or no) > yes

[*] Successfully downloaded ./lib/Msf/PayloadComponent/
(319 bytes)
bb7c600dfa157134fcdb5b4b3ba37c03 != d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
[*] Failed to update
./src/shellcode/win32/dllinject/vncinject/vncdll/winvnc/VNC: download


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