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Re: the undead urban myth of the LOC/EID split

From: David Farber <dave () farber net>
Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2008 19:23:02 -0500

Begin forwarded message:

From: Jon Crowcroft <Jon.Crowcroft () cl cam ac uk>
Date: November 5, 2008 5:51:33 PM EST
To: Dave CROCKER <dcrocker () bbiw net>
Cc: dave () farber net, ip <ip () v2 listbox com>, Tony Lauck <tlauck () madriver com >, John Day <jeanjour () comcast net>, Richard Bennett <richard () bennett com >, Jon Crowcroft <Jon.Crowcroft () cl cam ac uk>, John Wroclawski <jtw () isi edu >, Jon.Crowcroft () cl cam ac uk
Subject: Re: [IP] the undead urban myth of the LOC/EID split

teemu koponen implemented exactly this as part of his thesis in
helsinki (starte with scott shenker and others)

i suggest people look at what has been done recenly by young people
(working code)

I also suggest that a 4B node cell phone system is more worthy of
study than the 1B internet these days if you are interested in
scaleable mobile system supprt. before the 3GPP people break it, that

In missive <4911EC54.2060200 () bbiw net>, Dave CROCKER typed:

For IP, if you wish...

Dave, et al,

Fascinating and disheartening thread, consistent with the history of this topic. Loc/EID seems to be the third-rail of networking discussion. Experienced,
thoughtful folk, mostly talking past each other.

But snippets of the comments suggest a way to make progress:


From: Tony Lauck <tlauck () madriver com>
In my opinion, there is sufficient complexity in the network layer to keep protocol experts, router vendors, and exploitative carriers busy for at least another generation. Therefore anything that can be pulled
out of the network layer should be.

The ID function can be done by the end system without regard to network
layer addressing.

From: John Day <jeanjour () comcast net>
With a structure like this, mobility is nothing more than dynamic
   But what we are seeing is that multihoming is
becoming very widespread and I don't think we have seen anything near
the end of it.

From: Richard Bennett <richard () bennett com>
   I feel I can say with reasonable confidence that
"Patterns in Network Architecture" is the most important book on network
protocols in general and the Internet in particular ever written.
  Readers, even the uninitiated, should take
away from the book an appreciation for the fact that network
architecture is as much a political exercise as a technical one, and
always has been.

At a time when public policy makers are literally inundated with opinion about the Internet's design and social implications, it's important to peel away the metaphors and analogies and take a look at how it really works, what it does, what it doesn't do, what it could do a lot better,
and how it got the way it is.

The Internet had perhaps a million users when IPng became a serious effort, 15 years ago. That's not an installed base to ignore. We have over a billion now. Anyone looking to enhance things with a better Loc/EID model either builds upon that reality or will be trying to boil an ocean. Replacing existing addressing with an entirely new Loc/EID addressing architecture requires boiling the Internet ocean. (Given global warming, perhaps it looks like boiling an
ocean is actually possible, but not one we should embrace.)

I suggest we defer history discussion, since it consistently invites
distracting, contentious debate about the details and ultimately it doesn't offer much insight about how to proceed. Good for haggling over beer, but not
for trying to make progress developing a technical enhancement.

Standardization is a process of getting one or more diverse communities of people -- groups of groups -- to agree on something. Interesting social decision-making processes inherently entail "politics". Participants develop competing preferences and seek to have their own preferences prevail, for whatever reason, selfish or ideal. We like to think of engineering debate as objective, but it is a human process and the human process of resolving different preferences is politics. The politics can be clean and simple, or not.

But since the word politics is so distracting, let's re-cast it as "juggling
requirements and design trade-offs".

Except that specific 'requirements', and community consensus about them, are exactly what has been missing. We really do not have a concise, compelling statement about market requirements for new splitting of Loc/EID constructs and
we certainly do not have community agreement on those requirements.

That is what motivated my selections, above, starting with Tony Lauck's observation about complexity: The network layer really does work well. I mean *really* well. As "experiments" or "prototypes" go, IPv4 has not done all that badly. Not too many technologies scale over that many years and that many
orders of magnitude of population size and performance speeds.

To that end, an IP Address makes an entirely credible Locator and we should leave it alone. We can go a very long way farther by simply declaring that the existing IPv* mechanisms define the network Locator. In terms of the global Internet, it gets packets delivered from one resource to another. If we think we need other Locators, they are independent of the current one, and the case for them needs to be clear and compelling. I haven't see one yet. Have you?

Given vague or missing requirements, it's easy to say that the need for an EID is also satisfied: Domain names. Maybe URNs (but no, not URLs.) So, we've had
a credible Loc/EID split ever since we've had hostnames.

You don't like those choices? Then define concrete requirements that mandate something different. The requirements must be in terms of real- world, end-user capabilities and uses, not just an assertion of that a particular mechanism is needed. What do end-users want to do that they can't do now, and how will those mechanisms permit it, and where is the market demand demonstrating those needs?

And therein lies the real failure of the last 15 or more years of Loc/EID effort: Most have entailed proposing generic mechanisms, satisfying vague goals, without serious requirements specification or developing serious,
market-driven constituency about them.

In the IETF, mobility and multihoming are entirely independent efforts. In fact, *multiple* independent efforts, since they are also split between IPv4 and

The current tendency is to formulate proposals that require substantial infrastructure changes, to the network layer, to NATs, and so on. Given a sufficiently compelling market pull, that might work, but we don't have it, and I'm betting we won't. That's why these efforts are lingering on for years but
gaining little apparent traction.

Some types of mobility and some types of multihoming are entirely different from each other. But much of the space of each really represents two sides of the same coin. This has been observed a number of times over the years, but the implication has been lost: We can have a single solution satisfy useful
scenarios of mobility and useful scenarios of multihoming.

We can further have those solutions require no change to the existing Internet
network-layer infrastructure.  None!

The hard question is what layer or sub-layer to place it at. A shim layer, between network and transport, is the obvious choice, but it's problematic. Unfortunately, the prevalence of stateful NATs really means that the new
mechanism needs to be above the transport layer.

So... Take the core requirement as supporting mild forms of mobility and multihoming. Not fast or extremely frequent changes. Assume that probabilities are high that a next packet will travel over the same path as the previous path. Assume that clients are potentially mobile, but not servers. This sounds like heresy to purists, but actually covers most existing or emerging scenarios...
including P2P.  Current P2P applications go through stable servers.

Assume that a client can find a server through the DNS and establish an association (connection, session, whatever) through existing means. This reduces the task to one of sustaining the association across IP Address

The DNS remains the discovery mechanism. If the association uses a contextual transport, like TCP, set up a new connection. NATs are now happy; they merely
see another connection.

The variant between mobility and multihoming is that additional associations are sequential or only slightly overlapping, for mobility, but likely to be mostly
overlapping for multihoming.

What remains is establishing that an exchange with a different IP Address -- and possibly different TCP connection -- has the same application context as another association. Work on this has been done and seems to be entirely tractable,
using computational, transient, context-defining EIDs.

So, how to add this mechanism to the Internet? And how to do it without
modifying any of the existing data transfer infrastructure?

Here's an 'experiment' that would be easy and fairly cheap to conduct:

Define this 'resumption' protocol as an extension to SSL/TLS. SSL/TLS is a session-layer mechanism with good bones for this sort of enhancement.

    Add the mechanism to the major libraries for SSL/TLS.

    Re-install those libraries in existing applications.

    Any client/server mechanism that uses SSL/TLS now supports

Do I really think it's that trivial? Of course not. But do I think it entails relatively straightforward engineering and refinement with this order of effort?

It would be a very modest project to create, deploy and use. And it would
support meaningful new activities.


 Dave Crocker
 Brandenburg InternetWorking



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