Security Incidents mailing list archives

Re: An ICMP Type 3 Signature

From: Jay Random <scarbaci () YAHOO COM>
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2000 21:07:54 -0000

Hash: SHA1

Here's another one of those overwritten network 
traffic analysis
pattern matches that I like to post 

This one consists of a bunch of ICMP type 3 
(host unreachable)
packets.  The source addresses of thse packets 
tend to be
border or edge routers at ISPs and suchlike.  
Before I get

most likely firewalls

into what's interesting (and distinguishing) 
about this particular
pattern, here's an example:

18:16:36.779894 > a.b.c.d: icmp: 
host unreachable
   4500 0038 0000 0000 f601 704b cf58 f065
   .... .... 0301 681d 0000 0000 4500 0028
   6a37 0000 1806 4ca2 .... .... c266 94d5
   0449 0028 2837 6839
18:22:42.611841 > i.j.k.l: icmp: 
host unreachable
   4500 0038 0000 0000 f801 a39e cf58 f065
   .... .... 0301 62d2 0000 0000 4500 0028
   50e4 0000 1806 9b48 .... .... c266 94d5
   089b 0121 2837

I've included the source address and the 
`unreachable' address, although
they vary from incident to incident.

Interesting features about this traffic:

      -ICMP unreachable messages are supposed to 
contain the IP
       header and (at least) the first 8 bytes 
of the original datagram
       which caused the ICMP unreachable message 
to be sent.
       The addresses in the included portions of 
the datagrams
       match the destination addresses of the 
ICMP unreachable
       messages.  Translation:  these look like 
valid, unmunged
       ICMP unreachable messages

that would look about right

      -The length of the data portion of the IP 
datagram which
       generated the ICMP error is not 
      -Neither of the destination addresses 
(a.b.c.d and i.j.k.l in
       the above example) had sent any traffic 
to in
       the two hours prior to receiving the ICMP 
datagrams (two hours
       is as far back as I looked---they've 
probably -never- sent
       anything to  In fact 
i.j.k.l was an
       unused address that wasn't sending or 
receiving -anything-

i believe this to be true as well

      -The two destination addresses in the 
example above are in
       fact in different 8-bit networks 
(different class As, if
       you prefer)
      -The value of the portion of the TCP 
sequence number in the
       included datagram is always the same.  
When the entire SN is
       included, the whole thing matches
      -The TCP source and destination ports in 
the included datagram
       are not constant
      -The source address of the ICMP messages 
is generally a
       border or edge router, but not one 
between the destination
       address of the ICMP message and the 
`unreachable' host
      -The destination addresses of the ICMP 
messages seem to be
       fairly random but nothing approaching 
truly random.  I.e.,
       in the example above two hosts on 
different (and not sequential)
       8-bit networks got hit.  Sometimes a half 
dozen or so hosts
       on a single 24-bit network will see this 
sort of traffic,
       but not sequentially or in any other 
order I can make out.
       Perhaps a scanner which takes a list of 
address/mask pairs
       as input and picks decoy addresses 
randomly from the
       networks in that list?

My hunch is that what I'm seeing is the result 
of someone scanning
multiple target hosts (in the example above using
the destination addresses of multiple unrelated 
machines (a.b.c.d
and i.j.k.l in this example) as decoy addresses.

What I'd be interested in, then, is:

      -The opinions of anyone who thinks that 
-isn't- what I'm
      -Any suggestions on what the tool being 
used is

most likly nmap

      -Any wild-ass guesses about the decoy 
address selection mechanism.

well this depends really.  A script kiddie dosnt 
know how to correctly use decoy ip's, and will 
most likely pick at random.  A better attacker 
will actually read the manual on decoy hosts, and 
choose one's which are down, thus unable to 
packets.  My personal favorite is to use 
firewalled hosts that "drop" all unacceptible 
packets.  Which is virtually dead.

what you are seeing is someone picked you (prolly 
out of a hat) to be a decoy, they portscanned a 
box which was firewalled with rules "deny". which 
sends a lovely icmp type 3 error back to the host 
(and decoys).  I would grab all the logs of these 
errors for 2 reasons.  A to alert the host that 
sent the icmp errors, as to notify him of the port 
scan.  Second, to make certain he cant use his 
logs (which includes you as a decoy) as someone 
port scanning them.  The proof of portscan wouldnt 
be a big deal if it just stoped at portscanning, 
most likely he found something interesting and is 
already defacing their site.  So if they use the 
port scan as foresics, you need to protect 
yourself from suspect and aid in catching the true 
       It really doesn't look like it's targeted 
traffic, but I
       always like to have a specific mechanism 
to explain the behaviour of
       anomalous traffic (that doesn't involve 
the whims of a
       bad guy with a grudge)

The best way I've been able to correlate these 
incidents has been
to match/sort the first 16 bits of the TCP seq 
number in the
included datagram of ICMP host unreachable 

Good hunting.

- -Steve

- -----
0     I doubt that this has anything to do with 
the posited scanner;
      it's probably strictly due to the 
behaviour of the routers
      generating the ICMP datagrams.  But I 
don't know that for a fact,
      so I'm including the variability of the 
length as an interesting
      feature anyway.

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