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Re: snort inline doesn't seem to drop malicious traffic

From: Stephan Scholz <sscholz () astaro com>
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2003 14:33:43 +0200

Mmh...maybe the rule itself is not "water-proof" enough ?
Maybe the first malicious packet gets dropped indeed, but the attack
makes it through in a later packet (different TCP offset, etc.).
Can you check with tcpdump whether the packet actually makes
it through ?


i'm pretty sure about that because i took the drop-ruleset that was
published on the honeynet website. the rule in question is this one:

drop tcp $HONEYNET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET 139 (msg:"NETBIOS SMB trans2open
buffer overflow attempt"; flow:to_server,established; content:"|00|";
offset:0; depth:1; content:"|ff 53 4d 42 32|"; offset:4; depth:5;
content:"|00 14|"; offset:60; depth:2;
byte_test:2,>,1024,0,relative,little; reference:cve,CAN-2003-0201;
classtype:attempted-admin; sid:2103; rev:2;)

i also did some testing with the test rules that come with the current
snort inline toolkit and they worked fine (except that one replace rule
that should change "com" to "org" in dns traffic but i didn't expect the
replace rules to be perfect anyway).

the strange thing about the netbios rule is that it seems to apply
correctly (the alert shows up in the logs) only the packets aren't
dropped. i'm really getting kind of confused about this.

Stephan Scholz <sscholz () astaro com> | Development
Astaro AG | www.astaro.com | Phone +49-721-490069-0 | Fax -55

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