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RE: Slightly OT: Logsentry re-rerouted to Cisco?

From: "Daniel B. Cid" <danielcid () yahoo com br>
Date: 23 May 2003 12:01:13 -0400

If anyone want, this softwares are avaiable at:



Daniel B. Cid

On Fri, 2003-05-23 at 11:24, Craig H. Rowland wrote:

I was trying to grab the most recent version of logsentry 
from Psionic, 
but whois reports that psionic.com is now registered to 
Cisco, and the root servers agree:

The tools are going to be made available here shortly:


Cisco has in fact been *very* supportive of keeping the opensource tools
free and available. My time though has been spent on working on the
commercial product and this has made me very slow to do updates on the
freeware. Just to eliminate any speculation on the matter:

1) The software will remain open source and free.
2) The license for the software is being liberalized to use the Common
Public License instead of the restrictive Psionic License.
3) It is I, not Cisco, who has been the speed bump on posting the
changes due to work time constraints.

As you can imagine many people have been asking about the software.
Hopefully this will alleviate some of the concerns. As you could
probably guess, getting acquired uses up a lot of one's time and focus.
This wasn't a deliberate slight at the open source community and the
large numbers of users and contributors to the project. 

I'm planning on making the licensing changes and posting the software to
sourceforge by the end of this weekend.


-- Craig

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