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Re: Re: wow - is a "shadow" politician still a politician?

From: "Brian Loe" <knobdy () gmail com>
Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2007 14:59:18 -0500

What I don't understand is anti-gun folks' inability to realize the
obvious: if its easier to take a life with a firearm then it must be
easier to defend a life with a firearm.

It's easy to show that isn't true. If it were, then it would be easier to
defend a life using a terrorist bomb, because it certainly is easy to take
a life using a terrorist bomb.

That's a pretty stupid comparison, I don't mind saying. It shows a
complete lack of knowledge on so many topics I'm not sure where to
begin. Since I haven't been through all of the tactical self-defense
classes, or in the military, I'll leave it to someone who has to
explain to you the differences in types of weapons, their uses, etc..

Consider the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. The Jews there had guns. But the
Nazis still slaughtered them. Guns aren't some magic potion that makes you
invulnerable to harm. The progblem that you Americans have, is if your
government wanted to slaughter you, the popguns you own wouldn't do much
against the artillery, tanks and bombers that your government could

And what did they accomplish with those guns? Nothing?!

What they didn't accomplish, was survival. Which is what you keep saying
guns are for.

Perhaps you should reread that part of WWII history - they actually
did survive, for awhile (several even lived to be old men). And
considering the fate they faced regardless I, for one, salute them.
They did what they could with what they had. The greater point being
that they should have never been disarmed, or allowed themselves to be
disarmed, in the first place!

OF COURSE the handful of guns they had couldn't hold back the Nazis
forever - but I'm hoping that wasn't your point. Then again, no one on
your side of this debate should ever bring up the Jews, WWII,
oppressed southern blacks or, for that matter, any other put-upon
population - for its their lack of arms that puts them in that
position, and a wealth of arms that can get them out or at least, as
in this case, do some damage and provide some hope.

Just a few of the items from your memory database (and it was their
last, best hope):

Relation to 1944 Warsaw Uprising
The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising of 1943 is sometimes confused with the
Warsaw Uprising of 1944. The two events were separated in time, and
were quite different in aim. The first, in the Ghetto, was a choice to
die fighting - with a slight hope of escape, rather than a sure death
in an extermination camp, with the moment to fight being chosen as the
last moment when the strength to fight was still available. The second
was a coordinated action, part of the larger Operation Tempest.

Still, there are links between the events, as hundreds of the
survivors from the Ghetto Uprising took part in the later Warsaw
Uprising, fighting in the ranks of AK and AL.

In Israel
A number of survivors of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, known as the
"Ghetto Fighters", including Yitzhak Zuckerman (Icchak Cukierman, ŻOB
deputy commander), and his wife, Zivia Lubetkin who was also one of
the commanders of the fighting units, went on to found kibbutz Lohamey
ha-Geta'ot (lit. Ghetto Fighters' Kibbutz) in Israel. In 1984 the
members of the kibbutz published Dapei Edut ("Testimonies of
Survival," interviewed and edited by Zvika Dror), four volumes of
personal testimonies from 96 members of the kibbutz. Located north of
Acre, the Kibbutz features a museum and archives dedicated to the
memory of the Holocaust.

Yad Mordechai, another kibbutz (just north of the Gaza Strip), was
named after Mordechai Anielewicz.

The Warsaw kneeling
On December 7, 1970, West German Chancellor Willy Brandt, while
visiting a monument to the Uprising in the then communist People's
Republic of Poland, very surprisingly, and to all appearances
spontaneously, knelt. This action was very controversial at the time,
but has been credited with helping to improve relations between East
and West Germany, as well as between Western and Eastern Bloc
countries in general

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