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Re: new topic-professional hacking tecniques

From: "R. DuFresne" <dufresne () sysinfo com>
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1999 12:22:12 -0600 (CST)

Much the same can be said of posting to usenet and even these mailing
lists.  Thought some attempt to obfuscate reply addresses and such tolimit
spammers and others from using neat little scripts to parse large
databases of such info and prevent their information from being scarfed
up, this does not always hide folks well.  Unless a remailer is properly
setup and used, yer information is there for the grabbing once you make
yourself aware.

Also, anyone that has established a domain with internic, unless they have
obfuscated their information via remailers and or some bland isp's account
for the admin/contact/etc info, have their information widley available.

IRC connections can <could>> be hidden, many of the nasty little rats
running nuke scripts would find poorly setup proxies/wingates to help hide
their true port of entry.  Though, I've been seeing motd's on many servers
of late that make discovery of such connections a k-lineable offense.

Everyone seems to wander from the fact that the internet and it's
protocals was not designed for any of the security nor privacy aspects
that we so often discuss here.  The only 'security' perse was to make sure
that it could function, even if vast segments of it were tornout or blown
away during that old cold war that we was fighting and now are
'recovering' from, despite the fact that the 'red menace' is not totally
defunct, even though communist russia for the most part is.

The internet was and still is, an open system, in and of itself.  Security
begins at your perimiters or border or connections to it, not vice versa.
It's all about self censure and personal filtering folks.  No different
then postings to these leists that folks find either offensive at times,
or non-related to charters.  Rather then pointing fingers and scolding for
a poorly posted bit, or trying to get your ISP to filter for you, rather
then giving you an open point from which to scarf what you personally wish
to scarf <rememeber, information overload is a tremedous threat also>,
let's take some personal responsiblity to maintain our own perimiters,
rather then forcing them on those closly about us.  If I toss a large
fence on my neighbors prperty edge might well not go over real well with
him/her, no matter how much I tell em that I did it for their own good.

If I offer services to *my* clients, and I tell them *I* can secure their
information for them, it's then *my* responsibility to do so, not my
ISP's.  *I* provided the service to the clients, *I* know my network
better then anyone else, including my ISP <I'd better anyhow>, I recruited
*my* clients, offered to protect them and know their needs and concerns
better then anyone else will, so *I'd* better do what I told then *I*
would do for them and do it well, or else I've failed in *my* contract
with them, *me* not my isp, not my mom, not my wife or sister, *I* failed
to live up to the promises *I* made to *my* clients.

Personal responsibility, let's just blame good old "Idontknow"...


Ron DuFresne

On Tue, 9 Nov 1999, dreamwvr wrote:

  FWIW IMHO the moment you do irc really your privacy is gone..

        admin & senior consultant:

"Cutting the space budget really restores my faith in humanity.  It
eliminates dreams, goals, and ideals and lets us get straight to the
business of hate, debauchery, and self-annihilation."
                -- Johnny Hart

testing, only testing, and damn good at it too!

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