Educause Security Discussion mailing list archives

Re: IT Security in Higher Ed.

From: Pete Hickey <pete () SHADOWS UOTTAWA CA>
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 2009 14:17:22 -0400

On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 01:28:58PM -0400, randy marchany wrote:

My experience has shown that if we fail to analyze the "actual"
security requirements of a particular function and create a security
paradigm that interferes with the business process, then we open
ourselves to security issues. In other words, the business process
wins. The "art" of building a successful security posture comes from
a) knowledge of the business process and how a security requirement
will impact that process b) tailoring both the business and security
processes to allow the job at hand to be completed c) getting the
backing from your Board of Vistors/Regents/Directors to provide staff
to perform these functions.

I now put on my flame-retardant suit :-).

I don't think you need that, because you just described reality..  At
least for larger institutions.

I would add one thing which makes C more difficult than in a
business world.  There seems to be a lot of independence in the way
things are done, and those at the top do not like to wield their

Randy Marchany
VA Tech IT Security Office & Lab

Pete Hickey                         LITTLE KNOWN FACT:
The University of Ottawa            Did you know that 90% of North
Ottawa, Ontario                     Americans cannot taste the difference
Canada                              between fried dog and fried cat.

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