Educause Security Discussion mailing list archives

Re: Conflicker/NMAP

From: Jason Testart <jatestart () UWATERLOO CA>
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 10:40:09 -0400

We had most of our machines patched for MS08-067 within a week after the
patch was released.  We've been doing Nessus scans for it about every 3
weeks since and in January we ejected any unpatched machines off the

We've been seeing variants of Trojan.Flush since 2006 (our IDS alarms on
DNS traffic to specific Ukrainian netblocks).  The vast majority of
infections (99%) are students in the Residences and on our wireless network.


Jason A. Testart, BMath               | Voice: +1-519-888-4567 x38393
Manager, IT Security                  | Fax: +1-519-884-4398
Information Systems and Technology    |
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario  N2L 3G1 CANADA

Greg T. Grimes wrote:
It's Conficker, not Conflicker.  It's also known as Downadup.  And as
most security researches have stated, it's not as big a threat as is
being portrayed in the media.  If your computers are patched and virus
definitions are up to date then you shouldn't have anything to worry
about.  Currently Conficker isn't our problem it's Trojan.Flush.M.  If
you haven't heard about this one, be on the look out for people using
offsite DNS.

On Tue, 31 Mar 2009, Consolvo, Corbett D wrote:

I realize many folks may not want to answer this, but has anyone had
many positives/infections with the released nmap scan for Conflicker?
So far we seem to be coming up clean and many other folks I've talked
to or emailed with have come up clean as well.  I'm just concerned
about the possibility of false negatives.  Of course, the problem may
not be particularly wide-spread except in the eyes of some media outlets.

Corbett Consolvo
Texas State University

Jason A. Testart, BMath               | Voice: +1-519-888-4567 x38393
Manager, IT Security                  | Fax: +1-519-884-4398
Information Systems and Technology    |
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario  N2L 3G1 CANADA

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