Educause Security Discussion mailing list archives

Re: ISP for Residence Halls

From: Pete Hickey <pete () SHADOWS UOTTAWA CA>
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2009 08:50:36 -0400

We did that a number of years ago.  The residence management like outsourcing
everything.  They were looking for cable TV for each room.  The company
added on Internet access as an option, and they took it.  Any problems
are not 'ours'.

I should note that the vast majority of our campus is NOT in the
residences.  The residences are favored for first year students,
so there are very few 'repeats'.  The year of the switch, they
didn't realize the things they were missing.

They have plain normal residential internet access.  They have
no local community.  They used to have game-fests which went
great on a fast local network.  They used to do disk sharing
offering various things locally.  They also used to have direct
access to the library resources.  There were also a department
here and there (generally science and eng) with their own internally
accessible servers.

On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 03:37:20PM -0500, Biggers, Anna L. wrote:
I am interested in the possibility of contracting with an external service provider for network in the residence 
halls.  As the number of copyright violations grows, ISPs will probably be held accountable to a greater degree in 
the future.  I wonder if it is feasible to move that burden off campus.  Or perhaps you have done this for other 
reasons.  Does anyone have experiences to share?

What was your situation?
What was your process?
Was there push-back from any areas?
Does it have ramifications to other services by not having them "on-campus"?

Thank you,
Anna Biggers
Director of Business Strategy
University of Oklahoma
abiggers () ou edu<mailto:abiggers () ou edu>

+ Ranked 10th in PC Magazine's 2007 Top 20 Wired Campuses
+ Computerworld 2006 100 Best Places to Work in IT
How am I doing? Please contact my CIO, Dennis Aebersold, at aebersold () ou edu<blocked::mailto:aebersold () ou edu> 
with any feedback. Thank you!

Pete Hickey                         Senility is a terrible thing.
The University of Ottawa               I blame society.
Ottawa, Ontario                      That and years of substance abuse.

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