Educause Security Discussion mailing list archives

Re: ISP for Residence Halls

From: "F.M. Taylor" <fmtaylor () PURDUE EDU>
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2009 08:33:19 -0400

We have not outsourced residence halls.  We prefer them to be under our 
control where we can crush them like bugs if they violate the university AUP.  
Also, while they are on the "campus network" we can scan them for 
vulnerabilities, filter incoming traffic, and any number of things that when 
done by a public ISP would result in legal action.

I personally do not believe that ISPs will, can, or should be held responsible 
for what is basically a content violation.  The most we should expect any 
internet service provider to be able to control is the bandwidth allotted to 
a specific account.  Attempting to filter content is ethically questionable, 
and technically impractical. (encrypted tunnels are easy to setup and 
impossible to block).

The biggest issue I can see is that your residence hall users will no longer 
be in an identifiable netblock so any access to campus resources that you 
could have formerly restricted to residence halls will now have to be made 
available to "the world", opening you up to a greater chance of a newsworthy 
security incident.

On Monday 16 March 2009, Biggers, Anna L. formed electrons in this pattern:
I am interested in the possibility of contracting with an external service
provider for network in the residence halls.  As the number of copyright
violations grows, ISPs will probably be held accountable to a greater
degree in the future.  I wonder if it is feasible to move that burden off
campus.  Or perhaps you have done this for other reasons.  Does anyone have
experiences to share?

What was your situation?
What was your process?
Was there push-back from any areas?
Does it have ramifications to other services by not having them

Thank you,
Anna Biggers
Director of Business Strategy
University of Oklahoma
abiggers () ou edu<mailto:abiggers () ou edu>

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......(- -)........(o o)........(- o)........(0-0)........(* *)......     
| F.M. (Mike) Taylor........'Recedite, plebes! Gero rem imperialem!'|
| 'Ecce potestas casei'..............GIAC GSEC & GCFW Certified.....|
| Desk: 765-494-1872.....................C: 765-409-8140............|

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