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Re: Outbound SMTP

From: Dan Oachs <doachs () GAC EDU>
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 2008 08:26:44 -0500

We block port 25 outbound on all networks. The only computers that can use it are our mailservers. If anyone needs to use someone else's SMTP server they need to use port 587 or port 465, both of which should be encrypted and use authentication. I assume most ISPs have similar requirements. We certainly expect that when our users are out and about that they will probably have port 25 blocked.

--Dan Oachs
Gustavus Adolphus College

Jenkins, Matthew wrote:

I am curious how many other schools block outbound SMTP, and if so from which or all networks?

We currently still allow it; however, I see very few legit connections. Usually once a week I find another student who has become malware infected, and have to shut them off until they can prove their computer is clean (unfortunately we don’t have a true NAC as budget does not allow).

The biggest problem is wireless users. I can block MAC addresses, however this ends up taking a lot of time from start to finish (by the time I login to WCS, push the policy to all the controllers, document it, notify our helpdesk team for the incoming phone call they will get, then all those steps in reverse when the computer is cleaned).

I have been considering approaching management to just block all port 25 traffic. My holdback is that I feel bad for anyone that has their own domain somewhere and sends mail through it. We do not allow students to relay SMTP mail through our mail servers.

Thoughts? Thanks for your input,


*Matthew Jenkins
*Network/Server Administrator
Fairmont State University
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