Educause Security Discussion mailing list archives

Re: SANS Post about EDU vulnerability scanning assignment

From: Alec Yasinsac <yasinsac () CS FSU EDU>
Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 06:29:22 -0500

It seems to me it is the instructor's responsibility to provide the
resource for student assignments. On the one hand, it would be nice to
confine scanning assignments to controlled labs. On the other hand, if it
is essential >>to meet the learning objective<< to have a more
heterogenous network than is available within the instructor/department's sphere of
control, seems to me the instructor should attain permission for a well
defined target domain or set of domains. To leave that up to students seems like an
unnecessary risk to the instructor/department/school and a bit of a disservice to the student.

Just my 2 cents,

On Thu, 2 Mar 2006,
Randy Marchany wrote:

The only problem with this assignment is the failure to explicit require
permission from the target of the scan. I give the same assignment but I
EXPLICITLY REQUIRE they produce permission (email, paper form) from the
target before they scan the systems. I also give them permission to scan
machines in my lab. I also mention they can scan their own machines. Failure
to obtain permission means no grade and possible arrest. If the prof makes
these conditions explicit, I don't see a problem with the assignment. In fact,
if you read what he requires them to include in their report, it's basically
what you would get from an IT auditing firm. It's not clear from the original
post where the prof required permission ahead of time. It has been my
experience to run across profs who forget that critical requirement :-).


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