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Re: IRC, IM Proxy Implementations

From: "H. Morrow Long" <morrow.long () YALE EDU>
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2004 14:00:01 -0400

On Sep 8, 2004, at 1:41 PM, Gary Flynn wrote:
Mark Wilson wrote:
I assume you mean lower case v (-v). Anyway, here it is:
[root@willma root]# nmap -v -p 1-65535 131.204.x.x

Nope. Upper case V. In nmap 3.5 and later, the -V option

Nope. You really mean and want "-sV" (dash, little ess, big Vee) as the flag
(and in fact is what I presume you used for the example in your message).

>From :

<x-tad-bigger>-sV</x-tad-bigger><x-tad-bigger> Version detection: Afer TCP and/or UDP ports are discovered
using one of the other scan methods, version detection communi-
cates with those ports to try and determine more about what is
actually running. A file called nmap-service-probes is used to
determine the best probes for detecting various services and the
match strings to expect. Nmap tries to determine the service
protocol (e.g. ftp, ssh, telnet, http), the application name
(e.g. ISC Bind, Apache httpd, Solaris telnetd), the version num-
ber, and sometimes miscellaneous details like whether an X
server is open to connections or the SSH protocol version). If
Nmap was compiled with OpenSSL support, it will connect to SSL
servers to deduce the service listening behind the encryption.
When RPC services are discovered, the Nmap RPC grinder is used
to determine the RPC program and version numbers. Some UDP
ports are left in the "open|filtered" state after a UDP scan is
unable to determine whether the port is open or filtered. Ver-
sion detection will try to elicit a response from these ports
(just as it does with open ports), and change the state to open
if it succeeds. Note that the Nmap -A option also enables this
feature. For a much more detailed description of Nmap service
detection, read our paper at
sionscan.html . There is a related --version_trace option which
causes Nmap to print out extensive debugging info about what
version scanning is doing (this is a subset of what you would
get with --packet_trace).


- H. Morrow Long, CISSP, CISM
University Information Security Officer
Director -- Information Security Office
Yale University, ITS

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