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Re: Immunity Certified Network Offense Professional

From: Pete Herzog <lists () isecom org>
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2008 17:16:18 +0200

Makes me wonder what kind of work other people are doing!  Wherever I've 
worked, security consulting followed penetration testing and in that 
consultancy we advised the client.  We had little time to test the security 
let alone actually exploit anything so that if we couldn't provide a trophy 
from some major bump and jump we could still report effectively on how 
exposed they were to business losses caused by competitive intelligence, HR 
leaks, client leaks, and of course poor use of system controls.  The root 
shell was nice to have if we could get it but it was not our priority and 
it definitely was not what we needed to inform the client of their 
problems.  And if they chose not to fix them then that is their choice on 
how to manage risk.  I've seen pen-testers flip out because the client's 
tech staff chose not to stop using email address names for extra-net 
logins. They felt the risk wasn't there. That's actually their decision to 
make because I don't see their balance sheets and I don't know their 
business strategy and in the end it's their gamble to make. They have my 
report and my notes and my tests. I can't do more.

Isn't our top job to thoroughly audit the security and safety of assets and 
properly report.  Properly protected infrastructures do not require 
patching to maintain security.  Therefore we shouldn't do free (for the 
development company) Q&A on shrink-wrapped software as part of the job. We 
should always assume that shrink-wrapped software, even up to the latest 
patch level, will still have holes so we need to make sure that even if 
exploited, proper controls assure nothing is lost.

I like the idea of a certification on writing exploit code.  I think 
there's a lot of q&A jobs where that would be a good fit, even on a 
pen-testing team.  You should team up with the OSVDB guys to offer 
something less vendor-centric though. Of course you could always work with 
ISECOM too....


Dino A. Dai Zovi wrote:
Believe it or not, there are still operations people in this world who
will not properly prioritize a security vulnerability unless they are
properly shown its ramifications.  Telling someone that a three tier
architecture with the web tier on the DMZ and the application tier on
the internal network is risky may not be enough to drive the point

Finding and exploiting an 0day vuln in the app server and being able
to call the admin up and tell him that you have a remote SYSTEM shell
on it from the Internet makes the point much better.  After they pick
the phone back up, they usually start doing whatever it takes to fix
the problem as soon as possible.

Without vulnerability exploitation skills, effecting that change would
have required a political battle and I'm distinctly better at
exploitation than politics.


On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 2:38 PM, val smith
<valsmith () offensivecomputing net> wrote:
I'm going to have to award the point to Thomas here. The scenarios he
presented are very often what I get myself. Super compressed time
frame, unlikely to achieve goal so any time I spend developing tools
or exploits is time I lose achieving the goal.

I've also recently had an app test where I had something like 6 hours.
There was no way (for me cause I suck) to come up with working exploit
in that time, but I was able to find half a dozen bugs and report
them. In this case knowing how to write an exploit wouldn't do me much

However I'll have to say i've run into maybe 1 place in the world
where getting access to 1 host didn't get me much. (mac locking on
ports, 1 time passwords everywhere, no shared admin accounts, or admin
from console only, lots of vlanning, etc.)

Cheating is what its all about. I have this think I call the cooking
show hack. You know in a cooking show how they make the food and put
it in the oven then pull one out already cooked and try it. Same thing
but with rootshell :)

Fuzzy kiddies just sounds wrong man, just wrong.


On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 6:18 AM, Thomas Ptacek <tqbf () matasano com> wrote:
 Anyone can fire a fuzer, find a bug and tell their client about how
 exploitable it is.
 People then will talk about ret-to-libc and malloc tricks that really
 don't work anymore in modern systems.
This is NO DOUBT true. It is obviously much HARDER to exploit modern
memory corruption flaws than it is to find them. Respect, yo. S'all
love in here.

The problem is, it is not MORE VALUABLE to exploit memory corruption
flaws than it is to find them. Consider two scenarios:

(1) A shrink-wrap software pen test, for a vendor or a customer ---
the target is one application. You have 5 days. Unless you think you
can sweep 500,000 lines of C code clean of vulnerabilities in 40
hours, an hour spent on exploit dev is an hour not spent finding

(2) A network penetration test. You have 5 days. Unless you have found
the zero enterprises in the world where access to their network
doesn't immediately offer up 30 different mass casualty scenarios, an
hour spent on exploit dev is an hour not spent breaking into systems.

We could go back and forth on (2) --- no doubt there are NPT's where
being able to bust CreateProcess in some sleazy Windows backup
software is going to win the game for you (there are also NPTs where
the client says, "tell me about the zero-day mass casualty exploits
you could have run, but don't stop testing until you get in without

And another thing: we all know about the "fuzz kiddies", but that
doesn't make all vulnerability research a matter of aiming /dev/random
at a socket and writing an advisory on the xor ebx,ebx; mov eax, [ebx]
findings. Plenty of people cheat at writing exploits too.
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* Val Smith
* CTO Offensive Computing, LLC
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